How to Develop a Drawing Style

Having a drawing style of your own is what makes you unique and distinguishes you from other artists. The art that you create using your style displays your creativity and personality.

However, it always isn’t a piece of cake finding your style! It takes a lot of experiment, inspiration, trial, and error. But the good news is that the process is fun and exciting.

Here are some tips on how to develop a drawing style:

  • Find inspiration

Go out and explore art! And I’m not just talking about drawings, but books, architecture, sculpture, music, and everything you can find.

Pay attention to the things that interest you and make you want to see more. That is the first step to discovering the artwork that inspires your style.


  • Find out what you enjoy drawing.

Different artists like to draw other things. At the same time, some prefer sketching landscapes and inanimate objects—some lean more towards drawing humans and stuff with life.

As an artist, I’m sure you will have something you know you’re good at! If drawing architecture is your thing and you enjoy doing it, that’s great!

And if you are yet to find your favorite drawing subject, you have all the options in the world to try and find out.

  • Know the basics

If you want to break some rules, you need to acknowledge them first! Then, learn the fundamentals of drawing, like pencil techniques, contouring, drawing with perspective, and drawing multi-dimensional shapes.

Keeping the basics on your fingertips will back you up when your style develops.

  • Join an art class

You don’t need formal education for art. However, it will help you broaden your knowledge, especially if you never interact with other artists.

Choose a class that offers what you want to learn, and you will surely benefit from it.

  • Express yourself

One of the most effective ways to create a personal drawing style is to add your personal touch. As an artist, you will be able to translate your emotions into your drawings.

If you want to portray dark themes in your art, you can use sharp lines and dark colors. And if you are more about happy, serene themes, you know what to do!

Most artists use similar drawing techniques, themes, and colors to set themselves apart from others.

  • Follow the experts

First, there is one thing you have to be clear about: don’t plagiarize art. However, when you are just beginning to practice, following the style of the experts or your favorite artists can help expand your skills.

What seems like copying someone’s style might be what you need to develop your unique style.

  • Welcome feedback and criticism

Art is subjective. Therefore, even if you think you have a great drawing style, remember not to let your feelings get in the way of improvement.

Even if you have a lot of experience, there can be room for improvement in techniques. So be open to others’ opinions about your drawing and note down their helpful advice.

Having an open mind and considering what critiques have to say will benefit you in the long run.

  • Practice daily

You need to be regular at the gym to stay fit and see good results. Practicing drawing works quite the same way.

Drawing regularly will help you discover your style quicker and also build up your skills.

  • Doodle

Sometimes not paying attention to what you are drawing is just what you need to sharpen your skills and bring out your style!

Doodling improves hand-eye coordination and enables you to step out of the conventional rules of drawing to create pure art “you.”

So whether you are making cartoon characters, patterns, landscapes, textures, or fictional beings, they can develop into stylized components.

By doodling, you might create something you can use in your finished art and make them your signature style.

  • Repeat your drawings

You surely must be familiar with the phrase, “practice makes a man perfect.” Well, it couldn’t be more accurate withdrawing.

Whether you are drawing a flower or your favorite TV character, draw them again and again. Repeating your drawings will help you perfect every little detail and also develop your style.

Almost everybody knows about the TV sitcom The Simpsons. But did you know that it took the persistent drawing to bring forth the famous characters they are today?

Even if you might not be aiming to become the next Matt Groening, I assure drawing repetitions will benefit you!

  • Listen to yourself

Following your instincts or listening to what your mind says (if it has something to say) can help you reach your goals.

Maybe you started a drawing with something particular in mind. But don’t hesitate to change the direction if something else pops up.

As an artist, you might often hear voices in your head telling you to stop what you are doing and draw something else. Don’t ignore it; you might be moments away from developing your style!

  • Take a break

I know; I just mentioned that you need to practice your drawing daily. But there’s a reason some people come up with their best ideas (no matter the subject) while there are in the shower!

Be spontaneous and drop the pen sometimes. Working for hours on something doesn’t always bring the best results.

If you are having difficulty finding your style, a good break might be what you need.

Take some time off, meet your friends, go for a run, or do anything that you know will refresh your mind. The brain processes better when it gets time off.

  • Stay open to new ideas.

Finding something that finally works well for you is an achievement. And it is tempting to always stick to it. But, while it may be the way to go for other artists, many have found their style over the years.

Welcome new drawing techniques, tools, and ideas, and venture out. You might find your style where you least expect to see it!

  • Don’t give up

It is entirely normal to want to give up sometimes. After all, creating art is no child’s play. But please don’t walk down that lane. Instead, remember that good things take time, even if it means years.

For some artists, creating a drawing style will happen naturally and won’t take even days. But for others, it takes countless experimentation, hours of practice, and lots of brainstorming sessions.

Even if you may be struggling now, you might be just some moments of frustration away from creating a unique drawing style(s)! So have faith in yourself, keep these points in mind, and you will see great results in time.

Wrapping up:

It takes discipline, self-awareness, and perseverance to develop your drawing style. So while we would all wish to have a drawing superpower, it’s time to get real and work hard!

Hopefully, after reading this post, you will be a step closer to finding your style.

Which tip do you think is going to work best for you? Or maybe you might have one that I didn’t mention.

Nevertheless, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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