Art with body kun dolls

  • The Best Tools for Getting References for Human Anatomy

    If you want to take your art to the next level, you’ll need to refine your skills in human anatomy. Your anatomical knowledge is crucial in shaping the structure and capturing the movement of your illustrations. Expert painter Jenő Barcsay notes that you have to study bones, joints, and muscles to understand how they can affect one’s external appearance and range of motion.
  • Tips to Make Money For Digital Artists

    If you’re wondering how to make money as a digital artist, you’ve come to the right place. Most artists think that monetizing their art is a challenging task. If you’re one of them, I’m here to tell you that it’s not. Does that mean it’s easy? Certainly not!
  • How You Can Draw a Realistic Female Body

    Do you wish to learn how to draw a female body realistically? If yes, then this article is for you! This tutorial will provide you with seven easy steps to help you create an impressive realistic female body.
  • How to Get Better at Drawing Bodies

    So you ace at drawing architecture, flowers, and landscapes but aren’t sure how to go about the human body. Don’t worry; you’re not alone!Check out these practices if you want to know : how to get better at drawing bodies!
  • How to Develop a Drawing Style

    Having a drawing style of your own is what makes you unique and distinguishes you from other artists. The art that you create using your style displays your creativity and personality. However, it always isn’t a piece of cake finding your style! It takes a lot of experiment, inspiration, trial, and error. But the good news is that the process is fun and exciting.
  • How to get better at drawing poses

    One of the crucial things while drawing human figures is to get perfect poses. However, if you don’t follow the basics correctly, you may end up with a figure without realistic illustrations. In short, this guide will help you improve your artistic skill and master human poses.
  • How To Turn A Drawing Into A Vector

    Some of the best works that garnered worldwide praise remain via traditional pen and paper. But keeping pace with modern tech, there will come a time when I would need to digitize my work. With that in mind, the article focuses on how to turn a drawing into a vector.
  • How To Hold A Pencil For Drawing

    Tired of wobbly, messy lines and not entirely having control of the tool? Well, don't give up! Through efficient practice, you can sketch smooth and fluid lines and gestures in a matter of few short years. With that in mind, we quickly followed through with our article on how to hold a pencil for drawing.
  • How To Get Better At Drawing Anatomy

    If you wish to shift from drawing glorified stick figures to sketching characters with proper anatomy drawings, you're at the right place. It's vital to consider studying anatomy to practice drawing it. That's going to be the starting point. Unfortunately, there's no getting around that step. If that's clear, here's the article on how to get better at drawing anatomy.
  • How to draw digital art without a tablet

    You can create digital art through different methods. Although drawing tablets are some of the most popular means of creating digital art, you can still draw unique digital art without them. So, exactly how to draw digital art without a tablet? You can use additional hardware such as a mouse, a monitor, scanner, computer, and digital art software.
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