How to Set up Camera to Record Drawing

5 min read

How to Set up Camera to Record Drawing

If you are an artist, showcasing your creativity should be your primary target. However, many people struggle to capture their art through a camera, which can annoy and mislead viewers.

Fortunately, there are many ways you can achieve this feat using the right tools for the job. Camera gear, such as a tripod, lightings, metal brackets, or even a piece of wood, can become your ideal recording companion.

Are you still confused about how to set up the camera to record drawings?

Don’t be! I will walk you through this guide to show how you can set up the camera and record drawings to showcase your creative side the way you want.

What equipment do you need?

Equipment camera to record drawing

Equipment plays a vital role in elaborating your works. A wrong move can jeopardize your craftsmanship, which can depict your art differently. To help you out, I have summed out some essential gear that you need to consider.


A good camera can make your work stand out. However, you don’t need to shell out a considerable chunk of your savings to buy one. Smartphone cameras have stepped up their game, and any modern-day phone will suffice your requirements.

Please note: Always use the rear-facing camera to get better and higher-quality recordings. 

Video Lighting

Lighting is very crucial for recording higher quality videos and also helps your viewers focus on your work. According to Techsmith, perfect lighting can set the mood of your viewers to persuade them to the intended spot.

You can figure out which lighting suits your purpose the best and add additional equipment, such as a light stand to your setup.

Camera Tripod and Holder

Tripods and holders stabilize your videos and make them ideal for viewing. For instance, you can employ a tripod and raise its height to get a better view for your viewers. Additionally, you can add attachments to get an overhead angle to get a better viewing angle.

I recommend investing in a tripod that also features a phone holder. It will provide more versatility to your setup. Furthermore, you can also add Bluetooth camera control remotes to minimize your effort, especially if you have an overhead camera setup.

External Monitor

Attaching an external monitor to your setup will ensure minimal disruption of your focus and work. However, suppose you don’t have an external monitor. In that case, you will have to adjust your camera settings, such as zoom and focus manually. This process may be time-consuming and not ideal while drawing.

Additionally, the external monitor will also indicate if your camera loses focus from your drawing paper.

Audio Microphone

If you post tutorial videos about drawings, you might require an excellent audio microphone for the job. Fortunately, you can get a decent sound output with many in-box phone earphones. So you may not need to purchase a dedicated microphone for the job.

For instance, Apple AirPods provide the functionality and convenience of many premium audio recorders without putting a hole in your pocket. Additionally, you can also try other Bluetooth earbuds for the job.

Audio and Video Editor

Software is equally crucial as hardware to create an immersive experience. To solve this issue, you require a good-quality audio and video editor. Then, you can choose the applications according to your requirements and operating system.

The editing software may differ according to the device you are using to record the video and audio. While mobile devices can handle basic editing tasks, you will have to move your projects to your computer to get better editing features.

Setting up the camera

I believe you now have a clear understanding of the equipment we require to record drawings. Next, let me show you how to set up your camera to record your videos. 

Step 1

Place your camera on the tripod and adjust the angle so that the camera points down at your table. You can spend some time choosing the right angle before beginning your recording. I recommend the over-head view as it covers your entire work from the top without blocking the view.

For instance, placing the camera in front of the table may result in an upside-down video. Although you can rectify this issue using editing software, it will consume additional time and effort.

Step 2

After placing the camera and tripod, adjust your table to be comfortable for you without hindering the camera’s view. The table’s size may also play a spoilsport in your setup, especially if you have a narrow table. 

Always ensure that the table is in the center of the frame, primarily focussing on your drawing area.

Step 3

If a traditional tripod is not providing satisfactory results, you can perform a DIY camera mount or use other attachments. For instance, YouTuber 30X40 Design Workshop uses L-brackets on his ceiling to mount his camera. Additionally, he also employs wooden brackets to aid his camera angle. 

Another artist uses a cardboard box to record her craft videos. She cuts a hole in the box for the camera lens and uses paper towels to steady her camera setup. You can try these methods or invent your ideas to produce steady and quality videos.

Proceeding with your shoot

I assume you have followed the above steps and are now eager to start. Here are the steps you need to follow to get a perfect shot of your drawings.

  1. Place the paper on your desk and focus your camera on the paper. Then, check your external monitor to adjust the zoom, focus on the paper, and ensure everything is clear and visible.
  2. Estimate the time required to complete the drawing. If you need a lot of time and are drawing in the day, I recommend using artificial lighting for your video. The sun’s movement may interfere with your video’s lighting and affect the overall quality. To avoid this situation, draw your room’s curtains and use your lighting setup.
  3. One of the crucial camera settings to check before proceeding with your recording is white balance. Always ensure that you set the white balance while focused. After setting the white balance, place a drawing sample and compare the footage with a blank paper. If you find some differences between the two footages, you will have to adjust the white balance again. Once you get a satisfactory result, proceed with the next step.
  4. Check your monitor for glares on the video. If you notice some, adjust your lighting to fix this issue. Additionally, check whether your drawing is reflecting light on the camera lens. This issue is common with pencils as graphite reflects light.
  5. The final step is to adjust your sitting position. If you are casting shadows on the table or paper, it can annoy your viewers. Additionally, you will also have to ensure that you don’t block the camera’s view while working. You can use the external monitor to adjust your sitting position and rehearse your drawing to avoid blocking the view.

Final Thought

Setting up a camera to record drawings can be tricky, but it’s not that hard either with the right tools. 

So tell me, how helpful was this article? Did I miss some points?

Well, I am always open to suggestions and queries, and all you have to do is leave a comment so that we can continue to learn and improve together. 

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